There are three types of fees. Two Youth fees (one to Trail Life USA and one to Troop MD 1776). The third type of fee is to any adult/parent that wishes to become a volunteer/leader.
Annual Youth and Adult Membership Fee:
This fee is paid directly to Trail Life USA by each individual youth and any adult member (who wants to volunteer and be a leader) when they submit their initial membership application to Trail Life USA, and annually thereafter on the anniversary of their membership. If you are interested in becoming a Leader in our Troop, please click here.
TLUSA Annual Membership Program Costs:
Youth Fee $33.25
This fee is broken down as follows: Member Fee ($27.51): This base fee provides for operations of the Home Office. Annual Insurance Assessment ($5.74): This variable amount accounts for market fluctuations in the costs of accident and sickness coverage, general liability, and umbrella coverage. It is, basically, a “pass through” fee.
Adult Fee $38.00
Again, this is only for those adults that want to volunteer and become a leader.
This fee is broken down as follows: Member Fee ($19.04): This base fee provides for operations of the Home Office. Annual Insurance Assessment ($5.74): This variable amount accounts for market fluctuations in the costs of accident and sickness coverage, general liability, and umbrella coverage. It is, basically, a “pass through” fee. Annual Youth Protection Assessment ($13.22): This variable adjusts for fluctuations in the costs of criminal background checks, supplemental evaluation processes, and youth protection training for adult members.
Late Fee $10
The Trail Life USA national organization applies a late charge on your annual membership if the fee is not paid on time. It is due on the anniversary of when you first registered on Trail Life Connect.
Instructions on how to pay the fees to the Trail Life USA organization:
To pay, you have to create an account and register on Trail Life Connect. However, to register to Troop MD 1776, you have to be invited by the Troop. To be invited, you have to first sign up your son or sons and an invite email will be sent to you. Please go to the SIGN UP page if you would like to do that.
Annual Cost Paid to Troop MD 1776:
The Troop MD 1776 fee is paid directly to the Troop which is $65 per son through the Chesapeake Christian Fellowship website (CCF). This annual fee will cover a year's worth of awards, patches, badges, branch pins, as well as a Troop t-shirt. This t-shirt is not the official uniform, but is special and unique to our Troop. It will also help the Troop as a whole with equipment costs and to be able to do more for the year. Finally, it covers the $20 cost for each Youth Member called the Youth Program Fee that the Leader's have to pay annually.
NOTE: Please forward your receipt to troopmd1776@gmail.com so we know that you paid and for our records. Thank you.