Welcome! This is our Troop website!

Our Trail Life Troop is a Christ-centered, character-building, scouting program for boys ages 5 to 17.
Troop MD 1776 is located and chartered at Chesapeake Christian Fellowship church in Davidsonville Maryland. We are passionate about developing boys into godly young men of Christ through service, teaching various skills, and outdoor adventure.
We usually meet the 1st and 3rd TUESDAY of the month, unless otherwise noted, from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. We would love for you to drop by and visit us! Contact Us to double check. troopmd1776@gmail.com
We are made up of three programs by age: Woodlands (5 to 10), Navigators (11 to 13), and Adventurers (14 to 17). If your son is 5 years old by October 31st to 17 years old, they can join us.
To see more of the activities that we do at our Troop please visit our Facebook page.